"Din, ntar mau kuliah dimana?"(ga tau..)
"Neng, udah kuliah di ITB aja"(seandainya saingannya satu sekolah doang)
"Neng, hayo geura belajar atuh, tong main komputer wae!"(5 minutes Mom)
"Din, kamu udah ada belajar belum?"(belum, kamu?)
Maybe this is the hardest time in Senior High,,standing at the last year, prepare for everything. My UAS, my UAN, my SNMPTN, my JOB. ho!even my competition that will be held on this September!
Ramadhan will be coming soon, my school will give a loooongg holiday for us. Really?
1. Indonesian : Read min. 3 novels (including andrea hirata and Rongeng Dukuh Paruk)
2. TI : Create a brochure
3. Bio : Do a scientific project
4. Art : Create a modern dance
5. Deutsch : Search for your friend profile to be introduced when the first meeting after "Lebaran"
6. LCC MPR : read the whole books about UUD '45 and MPR and make sure I can memorize all of them without missing anything even one word.
7. LCC MPR Inaguration : learn Panting
8. UAS,UAN,SNMPTN : learn every subjects since the first grade of Senior High
"Where's my long holiday then?"
Allright, that was a negative thinking from me, . But, I'm not that bad. I like challenges. How if my friends always have more spirit than I do? I'll be a loser. I don't wan't to be a loser. No. I WON'T BE A LOSER!
Okay, I have a dream, it means I must have a plan. I don't wanna be a dreamer. Life is realistic! everything will be as fine as if I start to let the lazyness go.